Tuesday/Thursday Morning Drop-In Nursery

Church of the Apostles offers Drop-In Nursery service on Tuesday and Thursday mornings during the school year. The mission of the Drop-In Nursery is to provide safe, Christ-centered, affordable childcare as a ministry to families in our parish and to our larger community. All of our childcare providers must complete Sexual Abuse Awareness training and be CPR and First Aid certified.

Pre-registration is required along with an annual registration fee. After registering, you will be free to use the nursery anytime during our open hours, paying an affordable flat fee for the entire morning.

Tuesday and Thursday Mornings

September 3, 2024 - May 29, 2025

Closed the week of Thanksgiving, two weeks at Christmas, and the week after Easter

9a - 12 noon*

Age Range
Generally 0 - 4.
Older homeschooling children will be considered
on a case-by-case basis. (Contact Lily Dunn)

Registration Fee
$200/ child or $300/family if you have more than one child**

Flat Rate
$20/ morning for 1 child
$30/morning for 2 children
$36/morning for 3 children

*Extended Care

Extended care is available from 8:30-9a and 12-12:30p with advanced notice
Fees for extended care are:
$5/half hour for 1 child
$7/half hour for 2 children
$10/half hour for 3 children

**There are a few scholarships available for those needing assistance with the registration fee. Contact Lily Dunn for more information.